November 8th 2022 Outcome

Many contract inquiries arrive daily.

The volume of inquiries for long experienced people has increased. The pays are increasing too. Please answer a few questions.

Do you receive many offers of employment? Y/N?

Please SELECT YOUR rate (required)

The Takeout on CBS with Major Garrett

The finding is that because the social media linking of these activities follows the clicking through these sites to generate ad income, the more activity (read clicking through) the more the message gets out…however false and misleading.

There was a very interesting show today with the guest Dan Patterson. He works with Major and CBS doing Fact Checking in a big way. He came by it as a technical guy given the job of hunting where all the misinformation and disinformation is coming from…you guessed it; the Internet! Here’s the link to the show:

On Twitter he is @MajorCBS. See also: @TakeoutPodcast @TheDebriefCBS

The radio/podcast/streaming show comes on at 5PM Eastern Fridays and is repeated any time from CBS or CBSNEWS streams.

Dan Patterson is a CBS News Technologies reporter. On Twitter he is @DanPatterson. He also has written for many many technical, financial, and industry publications.

Today’s show on Disinformation was special as the guys got to drill down into finding from where these outright lies emanate. Dan has gone down all these rabbit holes to follow the “do your own research” links planted in these abundant social media websites.

The finding is that because the social media linking of these activities follows the clicking through these sites to generate ad income, the more activity (read clicking through) the more the message gets out…however false and misleading.

Concurrently there is a disincentive for the website selling the ad click-throughs; more clicks make more money. More controversy or “facts-that-fit-your-mindset” make more clicks. The participants in the media site are followed and recruited by the media peddler while the back end income from clicks is really what the site is peddling.

Pick a topic such as voting fraud and run it into the ground while raising money for yourself and your personal agendas. That’s been done to the point of Insurrection at the Capitol.

Technologists must realize as enablers of the modern tech that they also may bear some social responsibility as well. Good moral judgment must go into all vocation and professional pursuit.

Tech responsibly! Bernard Lambert – January 9, 2022 – @systemwrights

Troubleshooting Remote Syslog and Forwarding Troubleshooting Remote Syslog and Forwarding

Sequence of checkouts that help troubleshoot log forwarding…..

Know the network addresses of the source and destinations. Ping them or traceroute them.

On Each System Do The Following:

Run netstat -tulpn | grep 514 <- insert the port you expect to see here

Run ps ax | grep syslog
Run ps ax | grep rsyslog

In either case you should see your syslog is running. Either listening or sending.


On each system check /etc/rsyslog.conf and any includes found in the /etc/rsyslog.d/ subdirectory. They must include any mod load information so the ports are opened up UDP/TCP or socket. Try this command
rsyslog -d
to get a debug from the syslog daemon. It will show what worked and what did not. The port number and addresses of the source and destination systems should be double checked in these respective system’s configs. TCP port, UDP port, UNIX Socket, config numbers have to match up at both ends.

After Any Reconfiguration:

Hopefully one-at-a-time type changes are made and tests run to see the success of that try. Remember that services need restarted after any change so that it can be picked up and included in the application.

In the forward statement

*.*:@[ip|host] sends UDP


*.*:@@[ip|host] sends TCP.

Bad Recruiting

The methods used today fail to connect the capable and willing contractor or employment seeker with good jobs.

I have experienced a great increase in job offers; all at 1970’s prices. None have come from the actual consumer of my professional services.

Many of the people that contact me are reading from scripts and have no idea what your expressing in technical jargon. Yet they are your first assessment.

Subsequent contacts in the chain of those contacts prove a further distancing from a firm understanding of the job.

Technical questions cannot be answered.

The automated scanning of resumes to create matches for the solicitors to contact you, miss critical points like REMOTE ONLY.

Could real people contact me after reading the resume and visiting the websites please. Be a check signer; a decision maker with needs.

The “Novice Threat”?

Novice threat…

bll_red_shirt_and_beard Bernard Lambert

The idea that novice or inexperienced people pose a threat belies the fact that the process to get those individuals to mastery is a very secure method due to the process of passing through those apprentice, novice, journeyman, and master programs. Absent of that, how will one read about it, write about it, talk about it, and do it?


In IT, certification is insufficient without seat time at the consoles of those tools and devices. The addition of deep problem solving skills and a great deal of experience are the necessary requirements of these complex IT jobs.

For those new to IT, the question is often “How will they get any experience when locked out of job experience?”.

Your thoughts please


November 11, 2021 – Bernard Lambert

The North American Network Operators Group originally came out of Merit University as a function of network study and research. I always found it handy to track Internet core transit problems and solutions. It began over thirty years ago. You can join NANOG lists at

Back in February 2011 –

At this you can read all the listserve messages that come from them up to today as well as a wealth of other network operating and security lists. They keep all the messages nicely indexed so you can see what is going on or has gone on in the past.

Another resource for you may be the lists archives.

Bernard Lambert – November 11, 2021