Great sane podcasts of the legal proceedings and overall anaylsis of the extremes that the former president is doing in latest grift.
Category: Privacy
Radio Blog
Bernard Lambert October 16,2021
In the old days of broadcast radio we were entertained by the spoken word and sound effects. The human voice and sound was the only mass media.
In the spirit of the “voice and sound effects only” I have many commentaries and opinions found here.
The Truth Is …..
Truth should be simple and lasting. Well, I can hope. I can listen. I can think about it. I can seek many sources of information. I can do everything in my power to gain insight into everything I need to survive. It gets complicated in a hurry.
My first concern about truth is time and timeliness. While we cannot get back a minute of time while in the pursuit of truth, we spend it lavishly. Some just wait for it. Some just chase it. All spend a considerable amount of time finding the truth. Learning of it late or when it is no longer relative allows the truth to disappear into the moras of lies in circulation.
My second concern about truth is simplicity. When the only paper document you get with a product or service is a legal agreement in thousands of words, we have successfully evaded the truth. The hate mongers on the Internet build sites just to peddle discord and are successful because of the ease of having such a large audience. None of them offer simple truth.
We have come to a time where civility has been stripped away from public behavior. So far as the individuals who are demonstrating and protesting are concerned, they have been civil. The bad actors amongst them have caused all of the damages. Obviously the truth is being seen by millions of eyes and each of us has a different opinion of what the truth is even then.
While we observe things this political season, let’s try to keep truth lasting and simple….somehow!
Bernard Lambert – September 7, 2020
Liar’s Dividend
I was listening to an interview on the TV where the fellow described the method where one tells a lie and continuously reinforces it to further one’s cause. He was describing Trump behavior. After a thorough detailing of how it works we were reminded that this behavior has a common name; Liar’s Dividend.
What was very interesting was that the way it works was well explained. The one telling the lie can set the agenda by first offering up the lie. Thereafter anything that reinforces that lie is used to keep it out in a debate. In that process, the lie is made legitimate because it is accepted by at least a small group of supporters.
Fast forward to today….
Wharton School gradute speaks dividend!
Bernard Lambert – September 7, 2020
Unacceptable Behaviors
Dogmatic Misogynistic Bigoted Antagonistic Egocentric Gauche Bullying Unmerciful Untruthful Intimidating Elitist Prideful Corpulent Acerbic Racist Prejudiced Sardonic Noncreative Virulent Pernicious Vitriolic Overentitled Uncompassionate Acrimonious Malevolent Baleful
Unoriginal Nonveracious Rancorous Obese Antisocial Obsessive Hardhearted Manic Psychopathic Deceptive Narcissistic Atheistic Avaricious Acquisitive Amoral Covetous Intemperate Maladjusted Neurotic Unbalanced Disfunctional Unstable Malcontented Overindulged Condescending Aloof Unethical Deprecating Eccentric Gratuitous Unreasonable Specious Casuistic Fallacious Deceptive Spurious Feigned
“…comment on technology’s impact..”
This blog is used to comment on technology’s impact upon our lives.
The term “blog” came from the Internet technology accompanying the World Wide Web service. The “Web Log” or the log created by users of web services became the “Blog” for short.
The Internet was created to disseminate information electronically and has grown exponentially since its inception. Blogging has become one of the mainstay methods of the presentation of ideas and the dialogs that accompany them as they are presented, expanded, edited, critiqued, et al.
Please enjoy this blog. Keep it clean. Enjoy your free speech. Offer your ideas rather than bludgeon everyone with your opinion.
System Wrights Blog
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