Category: Politics
“…comment on technology’s impact..”
This blog is used to comment on technology’s impact upon our lives.
The term “blog” came from the Internet technology accompanying the World Wide Web service. The “Web Log” or the log created by users of web services became the “Blog” for short.
The Internet was created to disseminate information electronically and has grown exponentially since its inception. Blogging has become one of the mainstay methods of the presentation of ideas and the dialogs that accompany them as they are presented, expanded, edited, critiqued, et al.
Please enjoy this blog. Keep it clean. Enjoy your free speech. Offer your ideas rather than bludgeon everyone with your opinion.
System Wrights Blog
This is an open public forum for topics listed by the categories showing to the left of this text. To join or log in go here. All are free to blog here.