AZ Republican Tea Party

In a repost of the blog I did in 2015 when Diane Douglas was elected to the head the Arizona Department of Education, I discuss the nature of the effort to reduce government by the TEA party. This epistle is to refresh your memory, connect some dots, and continue to spur you on to vote in ALL elections.

The Arizona Republican party has been hijacked by the TEA party members to the point that good, responsible, long-standing Republicans are leaving the party. Party actions like censure and voting individuals out are now commonplace. A responsible moderate Republican has no where to go for party support.

The reason I am bring this up is that in the six years since we were so badly hurt by Diane Douglas’s TEA party, we may have relaxed and forgotten. The effort required to remove her, the time lost, and the tragic losses schools and students received from that incompetent cannot be forgotten.

Most people have no idea how complicated school finance is. Arizona residents pay taxes to the state and federal revenue departments. In Arizona the school district taxes on your property levied by the school districts DO NOT all make it to the schools the taxpayer sees on the tax bill. The game at the copper dome is to mix that state income into the General Fund so that it can disappear administratively. The money we thought got to the school is winnowed down to much less.

TEA party members do not want this or any other taxing. Public education is under the crosshairs of these ax handlers who for the most part starve public education and have no one in the public education system they would advocate for. Retirees along the Colorado river who want the governments checks are also the ones unwilling to support their state civically. The lead of the Arizona Republican party is such an individual who arrived here from West Virginia and has actively lead the TEA party devastation, the “stop the steal” anti-American activity, and saw to it that dialog in the caucuses was extinguished.

Lately I have watched the bogus “audit” of the last election foisted on the voters of Arizona by this same group of individuals. It cost us millions, broke the chain of custody of the ballots, threatened and injured Elections staff, and broke the voting machines. No miscount of the ballots was found. When we got to the US congressional meetings on this activity, we got to see Gosar, and Biggs carry on the lies and destructive monologue of streaming dog whistles now familiar to the educated and informed voters of Arizona.

The previous incompetent president, purported to be a savvy businessman who many of theses off-base dolts seem to love, is not far from many States Attorneys and the Federal Department of Justice taking him to task for criminal activities, treasonous activities, illegal nepotistic activities, gross financial misconduct, tax evasion by fraudulent means, and profiteering at the American voter’s expense.

All the while these same TEA party members and their kindred leadership of the Arizona Republican party have incited the masses to believe a grand conspiracy is afoot. It is apparent that the previous incompetent president did have a genius for spreading lies by way of the “liar’s dividend”. This has been emulated by every one of the now despotic leaders of the Republican party in Arizona. They divide, demean, spread falsehoods, abandon fact, lie, obfuscate, redirect and carry on.


Joe Biden won the presidential election in 2020.

The DOJ is busy working on the previous incompetent’s law breaking.

Twelve States Attorneys General are after the same guy our Arizona Republican party leadership worships.

The present 2021 Arizona Republican party leadership continues to serve the previous incompetent’s lies.

Bernard Lambert – November 19, 2021

New To Politics

Any effort that reduces the flow of money to education is an assault on the children and all our futures.

“New to politics?” (Reposted November 29, 2021)

Many patrons of the political parties and promoters of new party platforms within an established party seek to bring change by way of running for the positions in government offices without thought as to what the “power” of the office may be.  Case in point the Superintendent of Education for the State of Arizona acts as if she was a superintendent of a school system.  In fact and law the Arizona state Superintendent of Education is an administrator of the legal means the state has to deliver education and funding.  Policy making is not part of that role.  Directing dollars to the education of children is.

Tea party stands for taxed enough already.  Their modus operandi is to reduce government spending and thus reduce taxes.  Moderated forms of this often speak to more efficient or effective spending of the taxes collected.  In any event it is cutting without any follow-on planting or harvest.  Any effort that reduces the flow of money to education is an assault on the children and all our futures.

A platform of the TEA party’s Diane Douglas is, and only is, to eliminate “common core”.  It is a denigrating misnomer used to promote the propagandist’s line.  It is claimed in sound bites that the Federal government is dictating what to teach.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  Now let me show you how the failure in cognition and reasoning of the TEA party, as well as the egregiously novice approach of the TEA party, falls out as opposition to Federal law and thus does damage to our children’s future. 

Their rallying point is “the Feds can’t dictate to us”.  While there are many things the states have the power to do with and for the education of the masses, they cannot tell the United States government how they, the states, intend to spend the Federal dollars sent to the states for educational purposes without adhering to the laws, rules, policies, regulations, et al that accompany the acceptance of the funding.  If the TEA party focused their campaign on this they would have to be opposed to the following: publicly open, comprehensive, all-inclusive, processes conducted to create educational opportunities, means, and outcomes that are identified as necessary by the process participants from state government, business, the public, academia, and the United States Department of Education. 

They, the TEA party, are and have been opposing the very ones that participated in the processes in the first place.   The ignorance of law and policy even provided us with the high drama of the TEA party firing members of the Arizona State Board of Education; a “power” she does not have.  What was a statewide, all inclusive, consensus of purpose, plan, and operation that has been in effect for years is now under attack by the unlearned, power hungry, ill-spoken, obviously uninformed, ax-handler proxy from the TEA party.

God bless America. God damn Diane Douglas and her TEA party.

Bernard Lambert   May 15, 2015

The “Novice Threat”?

Novice threat…

bll_red_shirt_and_beard Bernard Lambert

The idea that novice or inexperienced people pose a threat belies the fact that the process to get those individuals to mastery is a very secure method due to the process of passing through those apprentice, novice, journeyman, and master programs. Absent of that, how will one read about it, write about it, talk about it, and do it?


In IT, certification is insufficient without seat time at the consoles of those tools and devices. The addition of deep problem solving skills and a great deal of experience are the necessary requirements of these complex IT jobs.

For those new to IT, the question is often “How will they get any experience when locked out of job experience?”.

Your thoughts please

Arizona Republicans Under Attack

The party has been hijacked by a hack from Mohave county and like minded TEA party types that want to do the “less government with less taxes” thing.

Our nation and communities must realize that the fantasy of “living in the modern world without contributing to one’s surround” is a short-sighted view. The typical type of our present Republican leadership wants all the benefits of modern highways, telecoms, broadband to the house, groceries easily picked up or delivered, all the medical benefits possible without paying anything out of pocket, low or nonexistent property taxes, no business taxes, no capital gains taxes, no income taxes…you get the picture.

They want to use the system for their personal benefit and the public at large suffers until they can vote them out. Presently a terribly conceived audit of the last election ballots in an unsecure and often concealed process is going on by the same self-serving types. The election was won by Biden and the vote was very clear about that. The fantasizing bad Republicans are still in denial. They offer nothing but distructive or negating influence on anything they touch. They underfund education while giving Amazon a pass on paying enourmous amounts of revenue to the state.

So what is left for an original Repulican Arizonan to do here. The party meetings have been hijacked and closed to visibility while they position Trump for 2024. There is little truth being spoken by the main party officials. We need a voting list so we can plan the work needed. When will each and every one of these bad people be coming up for reelection?

Bernard Lambert 2021-05-07

Real Is NOT!

The sacrifices made by everyone repelling the insurrection the ex-president fomented have gone unnoticed. We did get to see Officer Sicknick’s memorial. Many politicos were in attendance. The news tried to give it a solemn treatment. I did not get a feeling in the last weeks that the followers of the insurrectionist have any concern for life, our government, or the citizens of our country.

Nor have I seen any of the most fervent of the followers show remorse for the loss of life, the damage to the capitol, or the damage to the American spirit. The selfish and self-serving rationale that is prevalent among those insurrectionists is that their leader and their way of life has been stolen. The conspiracy theory driving that lust is a complete unrelenting lie provided by and continuously fueled by the ex-president. They are not driven by truth but by suspicion.

The last time we as a country got into killing each other so openly was during the time we worked to shed ourselves of slavery. That too spilled over into the killing of leaders. Abraham Lincoln was killed by the same kind of despot as killed Officer Sicknick. The ex-president’s pursuit of the damn lie is apparently to feed his ego and wallet (campaign funds) while trying to reform power in the Republican party. The Republican party cannot make up its mind to condemn the actions of the former president.

The worse thing in this is the state-level hooliganry being conducted by our errant Republicans like Ward, Biggs, Gosar, and Lesko. They lost, they will not admit it, and they are going about the business of restricting ballot access at every turn now that an election has proven their coward ex-president is unwanted.

Arizona Republican leadership is cowardly, xenophobic, racist, and does not represent moderates in the party. They still believe there will be a Mexican invasion of Arizona. They may be uninformed about the fact that those races and religions were here before the eastern immigrants showed up. They are cowards given their lack of concern for the citizens of Arizona.

Backing the craziness of the previous administration is a testament to our Republican leaders’ ignorance, lack of concern for their constituents, party loyalty beyond reason, damage to the residents of Arizona and the United States, and disregard for the law.

For several decades we in Arizona have taken issues to the ballot in order to get the most fundamental of issues resolved because our legislature is working their personal agendas and the citizen’s needs go for want. Arizona’s legislative process is unamerican as a process. Their legislative product is unwanted by the masses.

So in summary a profoundly ignorant hillbilly from West Virginia runs the Republican party. She is actually an insult to my kin back there in West Virginia. A lottery winner represent a small enclave of religious conservatives, and the rest endorse the errant behavior of the ex-president. All have worked very hard to limit poll access and voter registration.

The methods of party politics has changed in my lifetime in that constituent needs are now secondary to the bent to devolve, diminish, ruin, gut, and change the laws and policies of the state and nation to further their hidden agendas.

One need only follow the money to see what we get is what the lobbyists have paid for by way of “campaign donations” to Senators and Representatives. This is true in state and national elections and campaigns

Forget not what has transpired. We have to wait two years for the next election cleanup.

Bernard Lambert February 3, 2021

Republican 2021

I put this on twitter and facebook: “I saw Barry Goldwater’s ghost walking on the hilltop in Paradise Valley where his radio antennas used to stand.He is PISSED!!”

The extremes met by the Republican party under the present administration have caused moderates in the party great stress. The events of the 2021 Capitol Insurrection have cinched the deal.

A reorganization of aims and agendas within the party is underway. Some leaders of the party have condemned the events and the promotion of the violence by the President. Cooperation with the incoming administration and Democratic party members seems to be in the air.

Party members that work loudly at the extremes of their party now risk disenfranchisement. Moderate, cooperative effort is now de riguere.

What’s your opinion??