She explains consumer protection and how the new regime has destroyed.
She explains consumer protection and how the new regime has destroyed.
Randy Newman’s apropos work.
capitulation to the narcissist sickens the spirit
Follow on I left twitter(muskX) and facebook. I thought truthsocial was not truthful and was antisocial.
Financing elections with billions in order to influence outcomes and the capitulation to the narcissist sickens the society. The three despot organizations will make billions while the foundling neophyte chief executive squanders our nations credibility and allegiances the world over.
On the first day of the latest presidential run the idiot tried to force his will on the government and the American people by withholding the check…an old method he used for decades in his failed businesses. This has forced millions of people into uncertain futures as the legal fight is on…..again a tactic the “one-man-show” tyrant has used for decades.
The concept of a large organization with well thought out means is foreign to the guy because he can only scope the work responsibilities with a one man perspective. Thus the legislature allocating funding is not his fund to tamper with. The followers/enablers of this are even pushing to control the payment system the government uses.
We have been suffering under DJ’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder even more lately. An artist named Seigreid Woldhek produced this succinct work.
Great sane podcasts of the legal proceedings and overall anaylsis of the extremes that the former president is doing in latest grift.
On YOUTUBE see the MeidasTouchNetwork MTN also on patreon/legalAF
The loser from the 2020 election wants back in to the Oval Office. Fellow insurrectionists and anarchists along with that loser are backing the prospect with layered lies, redirects of your attention from real facts, and sham trials. The Republican party is no longer representing their constituents, but are instead bullying contestants, defaming any opposing party or parties, refusing to abide by the constitution or their oath of office, and a general malaise when it comes to cooperating with anyone. Nothing has been accomplished by them for decades now.
These are not politicians willing to represent you as a citizen. These are racists, pedantic conservatives, and often religious zealots who cite scripture improperly to support their agendas. Please do not fold under the pressure they bring. They will try to get you to NOT vote by convincing you your vote does not or can not matter.
Please do not give in to this.
Eschew Pedantics – Remove roadblocks to reason where principles are enforced in such a way that reason is abandoned or denied.
The Western world is opposing an aggressor nation, energy producers have economically drubbed the world, our nation’s legislative process is descending into a three or four sided polemic morass. Fundamental goods and services have been put out of reach for many Americans. Within this disturbing and difficult daily coping test we have countless political and notoriety-chasing prophets of our counties demise speaking to a laundry list of their personal hatreds and spewing vitriolic sound bites.
You will also see a collision of church and state reminiscent of the flight to the North American colonies caused by the religious practices then forced on the European and Middle Eastern people. Many times in history the social momentum of a society was redirected , even misdirected, to the detriment of the people in the long run.
What is popularly embraced in the beginning of such cycles, is considered despotic by the end of that politically motivated miscreation. The need for we citizens and our representatives to cooperate and rely upon each other is tested mightily. The time has come again.
It would seem we have a true test coming by way of our inability to blend often disparate individual religious philosophies into a national democratic non-partisan workflow that benefits the masses rather than a few successful lobbyists and PACs.
– Bernard Lambert January 6, 2023