About Conspiracy and Knowledge

This note is to cover the connectedness of government, business, and the populace with relevant observations on the applicability of current theories and the genesis of such theories. An attempt will be made to connect the dots.

Today much controversy is swirling around the Covid Pandemic and conspiracies. Public controversy surrounds the selection methods state health departments are using to allow or disallow businesses to operate.

The conspirators in this instance are the public drivers of the state health department, the business owners, the public, the medical industry, the insurance industry, and of course banking.

The concurrent need for all involved is for life to return to what it was last summer and fall. Prosperity is measured and perceived in that way. Any deviation from that causes uncertainty and fuels our suspicions. This alone divides us into separate conspiracy categories.

Next add the public-facing actions of each of the stakeholders. Today this causes further division in the public and feeds subdivision in the stakeholders. Add the isolation of the pandemic environments and financial want and you have nothing but time on your hands to scheme on what is conspiring against YOU. At this point, the real conspirators have won as you are totally distracted.

You are allowing this to happen and all you need to do is refocus your attention. The unknown is uncomfortable. A lot of what we are uncomfortable with today is the lack of solid indisputable facts to help us. A sense of macro proportion must be developed to gain some insight into the scope of this pandemic.

How long in time it will take cannot be known right now, progress is being made, miscues have been many. It is dangerous. It spreads before you know it. Normal social behavior is now extremely dangerous. Getting a bunch of us together is now lethal and a spoke in the spread of the pandemic.

I do not believe that any of the efforts to limit spreading is disputable by way of civil rights. It is arguable by way of financial wants and needs. The danger of grouping up inside, in any way, is absolutely guaranteed to affect more people badly. If the effect was immediate, easily observed, and tested quickly, then we would not have the superspreader generation happening at the gatherings.

The pandemic came from social gatherings. Families, restaurants, airplanes, trains, buses, airports, cars, schools, etc. could be infected and the infection carried on to others before anyone knew it. This cannot be fixed financially. Our want to gather has to be changed so we don’t superspread any more. This conduct will be necessary until years after the widespread use of medical treatments that prevent the attack on our bodies.

Bernard Lambert – August 12, 2020


Today the House has conducted the debates among politicians, largely lawyers, that argued rules, policies, constitutional law, moral law, and the basis for impeachment.

When the guy on the top of the executive branch deals for himself, however and in whatever form, he is violating the laws of the people. This is not arguable through manipulations of language. To go further and slander and debase his critics is uncivilized.

The American democracy has very few political parties. The arguments being offered right now by some of the parties speaks to the lack of moral integrity that most of those folks enjoy. It is obvious that politicians will argue. Look at how little they have done in the last several decades.

The fond hope of the powers that are in charge at this moment is that they can wear down the American voters spirit, hide the real dealings going on, and otherwise exhaust us. This tends to keep folks away from the polls.

We need everyone to make it to the polls this next November. We cannot be indifferent, lax, tired, to busy, confused, or in any way diverted from our duty as citizens.

Bernard Lambert – December 18, 2019

What About Us?

What About The Citizens?

In the political frenzy being paraded in front of us let us not forget the purposes for which we elected the representatives and senators. Critical issues close to the safety, comfort, and health of individuals, their communities, their states, and their country are at risk of being ignored or “back paged” during these next months.

Our municipal, county, township, borough, state, region, and nation are not attached to the issues touted in the media or by the politicos. Quietly the money powers are redirecting our attention away from fundamental issues.

Human need starts with safety at the base of everything. If you’re feeling safe right now they have sufficiently redirected your attention.

If you feel like you belong to something, ask whether it is a form of shelter from the outside influences on your life. If you feel you belong to something ask whether it is shelter or enhancement of your life quality. If it is enhancement then the redirection has diverted you once again.

The air you breath, the water you drink, the havoc nature is wrecking on your surround, the nervousness you feel about affording anything, the lack of work and life balance, health, and countless other serious human issues are what our congress men and women are to be working on.

We have received none of these from the current government in Washington. Woe are the people who do not get out and vote in the next election.

  • Bernard Lambert Friday the 13th of December 2019

Two Civilizations?

History tells us that civilizations rise and fall. Typically the nation state rises as it conquers the surrounding countryside and resources. Peoples are assimilated into this. The cycle is to pioneer the frontier, civilize the outlands, redistribute the resources and wealth, centralize power and distribution of the wealth, and tax production until the resources are overrun and go into decline. Concurrently government and its infrastructure further burdens the populace and the available natural resources.

Fast forward to today. We no longer make anything, as individuals, from the natural resources. Corporations have been formed to do most of that bidding with a scant few “hardy individualists” left to attempt it solo. With this love of the corporeal entity has come a furtherance of the civil and criminal rights of the non-human to the point of creating two civilizations.

If the corporation cannot feel pain and is only obligated to generate wealth at any expense then it is free of the normal human encumbrances like pain, hunger, love, empathy, and many other such feelings. Running roughshod over people and protecting their well being is not in corporate policy for the most part. Policy is sculpted to provide legal protections and not human protections.

The work of the marketeers, spindoctors, and politicos then becomes catering to the deep pockets of the corporations. Altered states of awareness are pushed onto the masses by every means imaginable in order to gain acceptance for the behavior of businesses and their representatives.

The general population is kept distracted by finance, need, manufactured want, and entertainment. As in Roman times; bread and circuses. Today it is popcorn, nuts, beer, hot dogs, halftime shows, and sporting events. And it is all sponsored by the corporeal entities.

Two civilizations exist and the general population is NOT the one benefiting the most from the experience.

Education in Arizona: Republican or TEA Party Punishment

It seems that Diane Douglas, a TEA partyer, and her entourage, have decided to finally disclose the travesty of their chief financial controller’s misspending of Title 1 federal dollars.  The blame is being cast upon staff that is gone from the agency.  It is also being blamed on previous administrations.  This is all transference or simplly put; buck passing!

The tab is 62 million dollars.  The Fed wants it back.  The incompetents at the Department of Education have decided to punish the schools for the agency’s transgressions.  They handed it out wrongly and want to take it back by reducing what gets paid to the schools.  The idea of the State paying the bill and not the schools has completely escaped their thinking.

How this all came about is the result of the federal governments Title One monies being dispersed incorrectly and allowably by the main money man at the agency all during the administrative changes resulting from elections.  Yes the same guy with different bosses did this.  Now his missteps, or outright illegal activity, are going to cost the children of Arizona 62 million dollars before they every get a high school diploma.

In an effort to cover up the malpractices the head of the agency’s Title One was dismissed after 28 years.  All during that time she was against the funding practices of the agency, but powerless to control it.  Title One was the “slush fund” for the agency’s pet projects or a backstop for overspending in other areas of the administration.  Regardless of the elected bosses who came to the forth floor of the Department of Education, basic fund accounting was not being done correctly and the federal governments auditors caught them.

Now what is common in Arizona politics is to transfer the responsibility to someone down the chain of command or organizational hierarchy.  Yeah…buck passing!  Somewhere in the convoluted thinking of the leadership of these state agencies the idea that passing blame is sufficient to exhonerate the bossman or bosswoman.  Yes modern ethics do not require the simplest test of responsibility nor even a hint of cupability.  I think even the humblest of us looks at that as dishonest, deceitful, disengenuine, and an action with premeditated distain for the public expectation of “honesty in public service”.

So who is hurt and what are the consequences?  It seems no one can know what the state agencies will give for funding in education until the money arrives and some clear explanation is made for how the money is to be spent.  They may return long after dispensing the Fed’s money and take it back and hand you a bill for what they come up needing.  Yes they give money to the schools and take it back….often!  Our children are beaten repeatedly without explanation or reason.

The lastest scheme the Department of Education has cooked up involves taking dollars from other Federal program sources, let’s say Title Two, and consuming them in the secretive processes in the agency so that the shortages caused by the governor’s corporation favoring tax policies and the Arizona State educational revenue shortfall can appear to be working to further educations interests; ostensibly the children.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The children are still being punished and now even more severely.

It is time for the public to take note of this and begin to push for a cleanup of the Arizona legislatures arrogant abuse of the taxpayers and their children.  Voting will not be enough.  Money will have to be formed in PACs and the funding of foundations like the Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest should flourish.  It will take years and generations of activism to dismantle the disfunctional legislative and executive branches of the State of Arizona.  Teach your children well.  The governor, the legislature, and the Department of Education have not and will not.


Arizona Politics

In an effort to enlighten the public on issues of poorly funded educational systems, corporate control of the legislature, rampant dark money influence, efforts to block voter initiatives, and republican control of the vote and legislature, this topic will be added to the Categories listing.