Choice Between Good and Evil

This is NOT hyperbole! In an effort to further the hate campaign, the former prez is running over the people of Springfield Ohio by further extending the his derisive, racist, hateful outright lies about the citizens of that town. He has gone so far that the children in Springfield are now being threatened.
BTW we are all vermin and bad blood if we object to the MAGA causes and the former prez.
Hopefully the vote will clear the deck for the insurection that MAGA will want after losing and we can lock the idiots up.

Vote in November

The loser from the 2020 election wants back in to the Oval Office. Fellow insurrectionists and anarchists along with that loser are backing the prospect with layered lies, redirects of your attention from real facts, and sham trials. The Republican party is no longer representing their constituents, but are instead bullying contestants, defaming any opposing party or parties, refusing to abide by the constitution or their oath of office, and a general malaise when it comes to cooperating with anyone. Nothing has been accomplished by them for decades now.

These are not politicians willing to represent you as a citizen. These are racists, pedantic conservatives, and often religious zealots who cite scripture improperly to support their agendas. Please do not fold under the pressure they bring. They will try to get you to NOT vote by convincing you your vote does not or can not matter.

Please do not give in to this.

Solar Testing Ongoing

Liars Morality Practice

With 7 panels, 3 charge controllers, and 4 batteries under test.

January 2024 Update:

Summer fire on platform due to battery fire. Possible charge controllers heating the wooden surface they were mounted on. Total destruction of the freestanding system was observed.

The intensity of the fire set the building nine feet away on fire, destroying the data center and it’s contents.

Vitriolic Politics

A lot of political bashing going on

There is a lot of political bashing going on. Will it ever end? – Bernard Lambert Sep 26, 2022

Do some of the people you work with espouse false facts to support their views? Do those people rely upon social media for their facts? Do those people debase anyone who offers facts or fails to regurgitate the falsehoods and lies?

What are they REALLY trying to do?

AZ Republican Tea Party

In a repost of the blog I did in 2015 when Diane Douglas was elected to the head the Arizona Department of Education, I discuss the nature of the effort to reduce government by the TEA party. This epistle is to refresh your memory, connect some dots, and continue to spur you on to vote in ALL elections.

The Arizona Republican party has been hijacked by the TEA party members to the point that good, responsible, long-standing Republicans are leaving the party. Party actions like censure and voting individuals out are now commonplace. A responsible moderate Republican has no where to go for party support.

The reason I am bring this up is that in the six years since we were so badly hurt by Diane Douglas’s TEA party, we may have relaxed and forgotten. The effort required to remove her, the time lost, and the tragic losses schools and students received from that incompetent cannot be forgotten.

Most people have no idea how complicated school finance is. Arizona residents pay taxes to the state and federal revenue departments. In Arizona the school district taxes on your property levied by the school districts DO NOT all make it to the schools the taxpayer sees on the tax bill. The game at the copper dome is to mix that state income into the General Fund so that it can disappear administratively. The money we thought got to the school is winnowed down to much less.

TEA party members do not want this or any other taxing. Public education is under the crosshairs of these ax handlers who for the most part starve public education and have no one in the public education system they would advocate for. Retirees along the Colorado river who want the governments checks are also the ones unwilling to support their state civically. The lead of the Arizona Republican party is such an individual who arrived here from West Virginia and has actively lead the TEA party devastation, the “stop the steal” anti-American activity, and saw to it that dialog in the caucuses was extinguished.

Lately I have watched the bogus “audit” of the last election foisted on the voters of Arizona by this same group of individuals. It cost us millions, broke the chain of custody of the ballots, threatened and injured Elections staff, and broke the voting machines. No miscount of the ballots was found. When we got to the US congressional meetings on this activity, we got to see Gosar, and Biggs carry on the lies and destructive monologue of streaming dog whistles now familiar to the educated and informed voters of Arizona.

The previous incompetent president, purported to be a savvy businessman who many of theses off-base dolts seem to love, is not far from many States Attorneys and the Federal Department of Justice taking him to task for criminal activities, treasonous activities, illegal nepotistic activities, gross financial misconduct, tax evasion by fraudulent means, and profiteering at the American voter’s expense.

All the while these same TEA party members and their kindred leadership of the Arizona Republican party have incited the masses to believe a grand conspiracy is afoot. It is apparent that the previous incompetent president did have a genius for spreading lies by way of the “liar’s dividend”. This has been emulated by every one of the now despotic leaders of the Republican party in Arizona. They divide, demean, spread falsehoods, abandon fact, lie, obfuscate, redirect and carry on.


Joe Biden won the presidential election in 2020.

The DOJ is busy working on the previous incompetent’s law breaking.

Twelve States Attorneys General are after the same guy our Arizona Republican party leadership worships.

The present 2021 Arizona Republican party leadership continues to serve the previous incompetent’s lies.

Bernard Lambert – November 19, 2021

New To Politics

Any effort that reduces the flow of money to education is an assault on the children and all our futures.

“New to politics?” (Reposted November 29, 2021)

Many patrons of the political parties and promoters of new party platforms within an established party seek to bring change by way of running for the positions in government offices without thought as to what the “power” of the office may be.  Case in point the Superintendent of Education for the State of Arizona acts as if she was a superintendent of a school system.  In fact and law the Arizona state Superintendent of Education is an administrator of the legal means the state has to deliver education and funding.  Policy making is not part of that role.  Directing dollars to the education of children is.

Tea party stands for taxed enough already.  Their modus operandi is to reduce government spending and thus reduce taxes.  Moderated forms of this often speak to more efficient or effective spending of the taxes collected.  In any event it is cutting without any follow-on planting or harvest.  Any effort that reduces the flow of money to education is an assault on the children and all our futures.

A platform of the TEA party’s Diane Douglas is, and only is, to eliminate “common core”.  It is a denigrating misnomer used to promote the propagandist’s line.  It is claimed in sound bites that the Federal government is dictating what to teach.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  Now let me show you how the failure in cognition and reasoning of the TEA party, as well as the egregiously novice approach of the TEA party, falls out as opposition to Federal law and thus does damage to our children’s future. 

Their rallying point is “the Feds can’t dictate to us”.  While there are many things the states have the power to do with and for the education of the masses, they cannot tell the United States government how they, the states, intend to spend the Federal dollars sent to the states for educational purposes without adhering to the laws, rules, policies, regulations, et al that accompany the acceptance of the funding.  If the TEA party focused their campaign on this they would have to be opposed to the following: publicly open, comprehensive, all-inclusive, processes conducted to create educational opportunities, means, and outcomes that are identified as necessary by the process participants from state government, business, the public, academia, and the United States Department of Education. 

They, the TEA party, are and have been opposing the very ones that participated in the processes in the first place.   The ignorance of law and policy even provided us with the high drama of the TEA party firing members of the Arizona State Board of Education; a “power” she does not have.  What was a statewide, all inclusive, consensus of purpose, plan, and operation that has been in effect for years is now under attack by the unlearned, power hungry, ill-spoken, obviously uninformed, ax-handler proxy from the TEA party.

God bless America. God damn Diane Douglas and her TEA party.

Bernard Lambert   May 15, 2015