Vote in November

The loser from the 2020 election wants back in to the Oval Office. Fellow insurrectionists and anarchists along with that loser are backing the prospect with layered lies, redirects of your attention from real facts, and sham trials. The Republican party is no longer representing their constituents, but are instead bullying contestants, defaming any opposing party or parties, refusing to abide by the constitution or their oath of office, and a general malaise when it comes to cooperating with anyone. Nothing has been accomplished by them for decades now.

These are not politicians willing to represent you as a citizen. These are racists, pedantic conservatives, and often religious zealots who cite scripture improperly to support their agendas. Please do not fold under the pressure they bring. They will try to get you to NOT vote by convincing you your vote does not or can not matter.

Please do not give in to this.