The Angst

I just put a young man on a plane back to his hometown. Our meeting was four days earlier where I found him sleeping in the alley behind my home. My dog had barked all night because of his presence. I asked if he was all right. I also asked him to move on. Initially he did but he returned in the evening.

The next day in the morning he walked by in front of my house and I asked him about his circumstance. He had worked until the pandemic closed his work. He had played out all his string. No money… hadn’t eaten in days. He was in trouble.

I brought him in, fed him, and got him access to get cleaned up and a place to sleep. The next day we got clothes and a phone for him. His had been destroyed. All the email and apps hooked up ok.

His desire was to return home to the midwest where he was from. He knew from checking the Internet that a plane ticket was $149. He wanted to go right away. The bargain fares were days away. We plied the net and found a Friday flight.

On Friday , the two hours after dropping him off to get checked in, I got a voice mail from the young man saying he was getting on the flight home. His mom and dad will be happy.

I asked him what he had learned in his year away from home. He realized that the network of support you have around you is vital. He never thought he would get in the position he was in.

The vigor of youth meets the wisdom of experience.

Bernard Lambert August 29 2020

About Conspiracy and Knowledge

This note is to cover the connectedness of government, business, and the populace with relevant observations on the applicability of current theories and the genesis of such theories. An attempt will be made to connect the dots.

Today much controversy is swirling around the Covid Pandemic and conspiracies. Public controversy surrounds the selection methods state health departments are using to allow or disallow businesses to operate.

The conspirators in this instance are the public drivers of the state health department, the business owners, the public, the medical industry, the insurance industry, and of course banking.

The concurrent need for all involved is for life to return to what it was last summer and fall. Prosperity is measured and perceived in that way. Any deviation from that causes uncertainty and fuels our suspicions. This alone divides us into separate conspiracy categories.

Next add the public-facing actions of each of the stakeholders. Today this causes further division in the public and feeds subdivision in the stakeholders. Add the isolation of the pandemic environments and financial want and you have nothing but time on your hands to scheme on what is conspiring against YOU. At this point, the real conspirators have won as you are totally distracted.

You are allowing this to happen and all you need to do is refocus your attention. The unknown is uncomfortable. A lot of what we are uncomfortable with today is the lack of solid indisputable facts to help us. A sense of macro proportion must be developed to gain some insight into the scope of this pandemic.

How long in time it will take cannot be known right now, progress is being made, miscues have been many. It is dangerous. It spreads before you know it. Normal social behavior is now extremely dangerous. Getting a bunch of us together is now lethal and a spoke in the spread of the pandemic.

I do not believe that any of the efforts to limit spreading is disputable by way of civil rights. It is arguable by way of financial wants and needs. The danger of grouping up inside, in any way, is absolutely guaranteed to affect more people badly. If the effect was immediate, easily observed, and tested quickly, then we would not have the superspreader generation happening at the gatherings.

The pandemic came from social gatherings. Families, restaurants, airplanes, trains, buses, airports, cars, schools, etc. could be infected and the infection carried on to others before anyone knew it. This cannot be fixed financially. Our want to gather has to be changed so we don’t superspread any more. This conduct will be necessary until years after the widespread use of medical treatments that prevent the attack on our bodies.

Bernard Lambert – August 12, 2020