Real Is NOT!

The sacrifices made by everyone repelling the insurrection the ex-president fomented have gone unnoticed. We did get to see Officer Sicknick’s memorial. Many politicos were in attendance. The news tried to give it a solemn treatment. I did not get a feeling in the last weeks that the followers of the insurrectionist have any concern for life, our government, or the citizens of our country.

Nor have I seen any of the most fervent of the followers show remorse for the loss of life, the damage to the capitol, or the damage to the American spirit. The selfish and self-serving rationale that is prevalent among those insurrectionists is that their leader and their way of life has been stolen. The conspiracy theory driving that lust is a complete unrelenting lie provided by and continuously fueled by the ex-president. They are not driven by truth but by suspicion.

The last time we as a country got into killing each other so openly was during the time we worked to shed ourselves of slavery. That too spilled over into the killing of leaders. Abraham Lincoln was killed by the same kind of despot as killed Officer Sicknick. The ex-president’s pursuit of the damn lie is apparently to feed his ego and wallet (campaign funds) while trying to reform power in the Republican party. The Republican party cannot make up its mind to condemn the actions of the former president.

The worse thing in this is the state-level hooliganry being conducted by our errant Republicans like Ward, Biggs, Gosar, and Lesko. They lost, they will not admit it, and they are going about the business of restricting ballot access at every turn now that an election has proven their coward ex-president is unwanted.

Arizona Republican leadership is cowardly, xenophobic, racist, and does not represent moderates in the party. They still believe there will be a Mexican invasion of Arizona. They may be uninformed about the fact that those races and religions were here before the eastern immigrants showed up. They are cowards given their lack of concern for the citizens of Arizona.

Backing the craziness of the previous administration is a testament to our Republican leaders’ ignorance, lack of concern for their constituents, party loyalty beyond reason, damage to the residents of Arizona and the United States, and disregard for the law.

For several decades we in Arizona have taken issues to the ballot in order to get the most fundamental of issues resolved because our legislature is working their personal agendas and the citizen’s needs go for want. Arizona’s legislative process is unamerican as a process. Their legislative product is unwanted by the masses.

So in summary a profoundly ignorant hillbilly from West Virginia runs the Republican party. She is actually an insult to my kin back there in West Virginia. A lottery winner represent a small enclave of religious conservatives, and the rest endorse the errant behavior of the ex-president. All have worked very hard to limit poll access and voter registration.

The methods of party politics has changed in my lifetime in that constituent needs are now secondary to the bent to devolve, diminish, ruin, gut, and change the laws and policies of the state and nation to further their hidden agendas.

One need only follow the money to see what we get is what the lobbyists have paid for by way of “campaign donations” to Senators and Representatives. This is true in state and national elections and campaigns

Forget not what has transpired. We have to wait two years for the next election cleanup.

Bernard Lambert February 3, 2021