How Can I Help?

This evening an acquaintance ask me to come over and help with the installation of some artificial grass. I had on many occasions provided a fix for some predicament they got into.

It did not go well.

I arrived late after working late and spending a brief time at home getting a meal. I was confronted with a demand to lay the artificial material on the dirt after leveling everything using some sand piled in bags in the corner of the area.

The area had been worked by someone to level the hard ground. It was, for the most part, very smooth and level. I explained that putting sand down would not provide a stable underlayment.

The demand was for more flatness and no holes. That had been already realized by the previous work. I began to take the material out to size up the issues with how the seams would line up and what would be needed to join the sections to make a one-piece artificial grass area.

At that point criticism was made that they could have done that already and why had I not put any sand down. The rant went on for some time. I sat down on a chair and thought of what I would have to do.

There was not lighting in this area so I was working in the dark. I was pondering what I would have to do to further level the span and how would I firm up the ground with loose sand; and not nearly enough of it.

To help, the acquaintance turned on the cell phone flashlight to attempt to illuminate the area. It was shined directly into my face as a litany of the shortcomings about my efforts spewed forth. I had enough!

At that point I yelled to turn the F%$#)!* light off. I yelled at them about how I cannot understand what is being said without seeing their face and watching them speak; my hearing is damaged and that had been explained many times.

At this point I was told I needed to take a rest….I must be tired. They were right. I was tired of trying to explain the correct way to do this and that being ignored. I was tired of being called at the last minute because others had been run off of the project by the same condescension and abuse.

I could not see a quick fix for this. The suggestions as to how much and how long it would take were being dismissed.

The hot seaming required of the segments was unknown and the raising of the issue generated even more abuse.

I picked up my tools and announced that I was done. I came home angry. I had been called at the last minute. My understanding of what needed to be done was disregarded. My respect for the individual has ebbed.

How can I help such an individual?